Friday, January 10, 2014

When your opinion about how to solve a problem has differed from your supervisor's, you have typically:

Practice answering the following question from Section 4 of the Walmart Retail Pre-Employment Assessment:

  1. When your opinion about how to solve a problem has differed from your supervisor's, you have typically:
  2. Firmly pursued your perspective on the issue.
    Modified your opinion to satisfy the preferences of your supervisor.
    Kept to yourself the ways your opinions differed from your supervisor's.
    Talked through the problem with your supervisor to reach a compromise.
    Combined your ideas with your supervisor's to come up with a solution jointly.

When answering this question on the Walmart Retail Pre-Employment Assessment, answer honestly. Indicate the response that most accurately represents your personal experience. The instructions for the assessment are clear when they state:

"Please be sure the work you submit is your own. Do not seek or accept help in answering the questions on the assessment."

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